Welcome all!

I’m Emily-Oscar, and I love to write. Poetry, prose, children’s stories, literary fiction, fantasy, sci-fi… if it exists, I’ve probably dipped my toe into it. Metaphorically speaking.

This portfolio exhibits just a few pieces. Feel free to have a look around and let me tell you a story.

And these illustrations? Also my creations! If you have any queries regarding them or anything else, please do contact me.

I completed a double major in Creative Writing and Professional Writing and Publishing at Curtin University in 2019, as well as an internship with the Centre for Stories, in which I produced this interview series, Australian Aishwaryas. I carried out a brief internship with Fremantle Press in 2020 and completed my Honours in 2021. I now work as a freelance editor. If you need a manuscript edited, please contact me to discuss the work.

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